7 Things Sabotaging Your Success

Mar 30, 2023

In our pursuit of success, we often find ourselves on a rollercoaster ride, experiencing both triumphs and setbacks. While external factors may seem to play a significant role in determining our path to achievement, it is often the internal forces that end up sabotaging our success. Recognizing and addressing these internal hindrances is crucial for unleashing our full potential and achieving the success we desire.

In this blog post, we dive deep into the subtle yet potent factors that may be stealthily undermining your success. These seven culprits range from mindset patterns and self-limiting beliefs to destructive habits and external distractions. By shedding light on these hidden saboteurs, we aim to empower you with knowledge and strategies to overcome them.


1. Putting Short-Term Desires Before Long-Term Success

One of the top secrets of successful people, is that they think, work, and take action with the future in mind and focus. “Will this help me build my future? Or will it take away from it?” 

There’s a balance of course–but don’t trade your tomorrow for today.


2. Procrastinating

Procrastination is often rooted in the fear of failure. Remember–you cannot succeed if you never fail. Embrace the learning process and begin! The sooner you start, the sooner you finish and succeed!


3. Working Too Hard

Yes, it is possible. Avoid burnout by resting, recharging, and doing things you enjoy with people you love. By balancing your work-life and your personal-life, you will discover more energy and motivation in your work, leading to increased satisfaction and success.


4. Bad Sleep Hygiene

Sleep affects every aspect of our lives, including our level of success. When we aren’t well rested, we are physically limited in our abilities to carry out our tasks well. This can affect our ability to think clearly, to work productively, and produce high quality work. This ultimately ends up wasting our own time and sabotaging our success in the long run.

Prioritize quality sleep and experience a clear mind, energized body, better thinking and problem solving skills.


5. Not Managing Time Well

Many would be surprised as to how much extra time they have in the day–whether it be for exercising, reading, or developing relationships. Delegate each hour of your day to ensure your time is spent effectively.


6. Bad Company

They say you are the average of the five people closest to you. Those we spend the most time with certainly influence our habits, our motivation, and the aspirations for our future. Are your relationships helping you become the person your dream life requires? Or are they sabotaging your success?

We don’t mean to say that you should cut off all relationships that aren’t challenging you–that’s just not practical for most of us. But choose to pursue mentors and other relationships that challenge you, strengthen you, and help you grow. Tweak your “five” and you’ll be on the path to success.


7. Giving Up: Fastest Path to Sabotaging Your Success

“If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal.” No one has ever succeeded by giving up. As long as you’re trying, you are surely winning. Keep going!