California Bill Will Override Parental Consent for Gender Transition in Youth

Mar 6, 2023

“Sitting on the Governor of California’s desk right now,” campaign manager, Aamon Ross states in mid-2022, “is a bill that we will be a sanctuary state for gender transition without parental consent for youth across the country.”

Ross goes on to describe this bill as an assault on the families of 49 other states. “That is an outright assault. ‘We will take your children, we will transition them, and we will pay for it, and we will protect them from their families.'”

Many have since voiced their concerns over the possible consequences of such a bill on social media:

One user commented: “So will California officially be legal guardian and pay all child supports including housing, food, education, healthcare, legal, etc.? It’s illegal for minors to have elective medical services without consent from parents or legal guardians. Children under 18 years old can’t give legal consents.”Another suggested that “the big “lie” is that the government will protect them…if that were the real goal, they would NEVER promote mutilation that will cause years of emotional damage.”A concerned user asked: “Who is going to pay for psychiatric counseling 5-10 years later when these teens realized what a mistake they made?”What are your thoughts? Share with us on social media by tagging us in a post or leaving a comment.