In our pursuit of success, we often find ourselves on a rollercoaster ride, experiencing both triumphs and setbacks. While external factors may seem to play a significant role in determining our path to achievement, it is often the internal forces that end up...
1. They Read Great leaders understand the value that comes with reading–Reading is one of the most efficient ways to acquire information and knowledge. But more than that, reading increases our ability to communicate effectively, expands our capacity for empathy,...
Watch More on YouTube One of Darrin Collins’ passions is helping people create and build successful businesses. In this video (along with the other parts), Darrin shows a young man how to scale his company from good to his dream business in one hour. “I...
Darrin Collins shares the revelatory secrets of success that put him on the path of becoming a successful millionaire entrepreneur, owning and operating multiple thriving businesses. Today, he lets us in on the surprising secrets and shares how we too can unlock our...
Jon Ashcraft is what many people would call an unconventional pastor. After receiving the revelation of the Ekklesia and Kingdom, he has turned his church on its side, taking a very different route than the typical modern-day church. Jon’s newfound vision and...